Thanks to the BK program, wegot new friends, and in 2017, the dance group Sirgulised was invited to Vyborg by the Russian Circus School in St. Petersburg. The ride took place on the first days of June of the same year. 19-member gruop went to the trip - 14 children, dance teacher Karin, teacher Mare, bus driver Toivo and we, Gaili and Riina.
As in the good old movie "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia", there were countless adventures with us.
The first adventure started a couple of hours before the departure to Vyborg, when it turned out that we did not have accomondation which we booked more than two months earlier. The alternative sleeping place for us was fortress rooms, and it was recommended to take mats and sleeping bags. Fortunately, we have smartphones, and the fast fingers of our children gave the other children a message that they should take sleeping bags.
However, we were took all inflatable and folding mattresses and as many sleeping bags as we had at home. At the same time, the only free accommodation for the same period in was a campsite for six people.
We all gathered at the school car park, packed our own folk costumes, personal belongings, sleeping bags, mattresses, and other equipment on the bus and the ride started at midnight. Also, the crossing of the border went smoothly smoothly, we did not have to take anything out of the equipment taken from the bus, it was enough to pass the passport control at the border checkpoint.
The only challenge on the way to Vyborg was to find a place for a "technical stop". It was not possible anywhere to find a free toilet. For us the most unbelievable seemed to be when every child had to buy fom a coffee shop to visit the toilet. The café staff was also unsuitable for our offer to buy something for all children at once. Only every single check made it possible to use the toilet.
Before reaching Vyborg, we were impressed by several kilometers long dam and more than a kilometer long tunnel. We don't see that in Estonia!
We arrived to Vyborg by lunch.
With our midnight arrival in the school car park, Sirguliste incredible adventures in Russia got through.
As in the good old movie "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia", there were countless adventures with us.
The first adventure started a couple of hours before the departure to Vyborg, when it turned out that we did not have accomondation which we booked more than two months earlier. The alternative sleeping place for us was fortress rooms, and it was recommended to take mats and sleeping bags. Fortunately, we have smartphones, and the fast fingers of our children gave the other children a message that they should take sleeping bags.
However, we were took all inflatable and folding mattresses and as many sleeping bags as we had at home. At the same time, the only free accommodation for the same period in was a campsite for six people.
We all gathered at the school car park, packed our own folk costumes, personal belongings, sleeping bags, mattresses, and other equipment on the bus and the ride started at midnight. Also, the crossing of the border went smoothly smoothly, we did not have to take anything out of the equipment taken from the bus, it was enough to pass the passport control at the border checkpoint.
The only challenge on the way to Vyborg was to find a place for a "technical stop". It was not possible anywhere to find a free toilet. For us the most unbelievable seemed to be when every child had to buy fom a coffee shop to visit the toilet. The café staff was also unsuitable for our offer to buy something for all children at once. Only every single check made it possible to use the toilet.
Before reaching Vyborg, we were impressed by several kilometers long dam and more than a kilometer long tunnel. We don't see that in Estonia!
We arrived to Vyborg by lunch.
With our midnight arrival in the school car park, Sirguliste incredible adventures in Russia got through.